Selected package:

Starter – 1 month


Grow your Temu business with our organic ranking service

To ensure a smooth and successful campaign, please read the exact conditions here before starting. This step is essential to avoid any surprises.

How to Place Your Order:

1. Add Your Product URL
2. Enter Your Keywords (e.g., “electric pepper grinder”)
3. Choose the Country where you want your products to rank on Temu (e.g., US, NL, DE).
4. Click ‘Order Now’

Need to add more products? Click ‘Add Another Product’ and repeat the steps.

  • Your full product URL on

  • Enter the keyword you want to rate. Use letters only. Preferably a keyword consisting of several words, e.g. "electric pepper grinder".

    Enter the keyword you want to rate. Use letters only. Preferably a keyword consisting of several words, e.g. "electric pepper grinder".

    Enter the keyword you want to rate. Use letters only. Preferably a keyword consisting of several words, e.g. "electric pepper grinder".

  • Type the name of one country where you want your product to rank on Temu (e.g., United States, Netherlands, Germany)

100% confidential